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Search for Parcels

Most functions on this website, including paying your current taxes and filing an assessment complaint, require you to first search for a parcel by parcel number, owner name, or property address. Once you have found the parcel that you are interested in, use the drop down navigation in the Action field on the results screen to get started.

Enter any of the following search criteria

Parcel Number (In most cases, the 5th digit of the parcel number should be a zero, and the parcel number should be a total of 11 digits. Spaces and dashes are not required.)
Owner Name (Enter last name then first name, or the first few characters of last name)
House Number
Street Name (For single digit numbered streets, you may need to put a "0" first.)

Please note that if you enter a complete Parcel Number or an Owner Name, you do not have to enter any other criteria. Otherwise you must enter at least one of the following:

  • at least 5 digits of a parcel number
  • a House Number
  • a Street Name

Also note that if your search returns more than 300 results, you will be asked to refine your search criteria.

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